Social Media Burnout

37 Ways To Avoid Social Media Burnout

There’s no doubt that social media has revolutionised the way we communicate with one another. When you consider the strides forward we’ve taken in the field of technology over the last twenty years, it’s as inspiring as it is frightening. Social media can become problematic really easily and causes a very real sense of digital burnout.

Social media burnout is becoming even more prevalent. Our lives are increasingly played out online and it’s starting to affect how people interact in those spaces. Many of us now succumb to the exhaustion and frustration of feeling like we should be ‘always on’, which isn’t good for anyone.

It’s a shame, but to be honest, it’s not that surprising. In many cases, ‘social networking’ has become anything but ‘social‘. What happens when we begin to view our digitally cultivated friendships as just another component of a marketing strategy?

Social media burnout is real but avoidable

Burnout in the workplace isn’t uncommon, and for many of us, the digital world is our workplace now. I spend most of my working day tied to my computer, tablet orĀ phone, scheduling, hashtagging, writing and networking.

Self-employment was a choice I made, so going digital was a large part of that. Social media management inevitably comes with that territory, but with new networks popping up all the time, it’s hard for most of us to keep on top of it.Ā 

When Facebook first came out, everyone was still using MySpace, and you had to have a university email address to even join up. Social media was new, fun, and not all that serious. Now, Facebook and many other socialĀ media platforms are becoming little more than another means to an end for the shapers of our digital landscape. It’s tiresome for many, but especially for those of us who need to remain part of the network for ourĀ jobs.

So how do you avoid social media burnout when most of your work involves being ever-present online?

Social Media Burnout

How to avoid social media burnout

The first step to avoiding social media burnout involves evaluating your weekly schedule. It’s time to analyse the amount of time that’s spent needlessly scrolling and lock it down. In 2019, I plan to get a real hold of my digital diary. I probably said that at the beginning of this year, but I’m serious about this goal now. I’ve seen so many people I actually care about pulling themselves out of the online world completely because of social media burnout, and I don’t want that to happen to me.

So before we head into the New Year, here’s my 37-point plan for avoiding social media burnout. 

37 ways to avoid social media burnout

  • Plan on paper, complete tasks online – by using a paper-based planner I can reconnect with my real-world ideas and goals in a distraction-free way, and be more efficient with my online time.
  • Impose a curfew – no staying up ridiculously late tweeting, schedule things in advance and get some proper sleep.
  • Plan meal breaks and stick to them – stop eating at your desk.
  • Streamline your ‘work’ social media and your ‘personal’ social media.
  • Work in hourly chunks – structure your time into the most vital tasks and pause for breath in between.
  • Have a cut-off point for work-based social media.
  • Have a set time for personal social media.
  • Implement tech-free days at least once a month – unplug completely and see how it helps.
  • Learn which scheduling tools work for you and use them.
  • Invest some money in paid scheduling if you need to.
  • Identify the social media networks that work best for you and that you enjoy being part of.
  • Remind yourself who is worth your time – by this I mean cultivate your online friendships carefully and treat them as you would reality-based friends. Don’t be a dick just because you can’t someone in person.
  • Take time to plan a social strategy on paper – similarly to point one, planning a few months out on paper can help you really gain clarity in your thinking, and help identify the right social media communities for you.
  • Get outside and refocus. Leave your phone in the house.
  • Write/blog in the mornings, and be social in the afternoons.
  • Schedule a time to sift through emails – stop letting them interrupt your flow of work.
  • Avoid biting on controversial threads – even if the argument is irritating you, it’s literally not worth your time.
  • Make time for your personal life.
  • Research the things that make you tick and write about them.
  • Interact meaningfully online – is there anything worse than those bot comments on your Instagram pictures? Yeah, don’t do that.
  • Streamline your systems – remove yourself from the 3,000 Facebook groups you’re idle in and just work to be present in the ones you actually find helpful.
  • Help others on social media – there are lots of people who you can share advice with. Be nice to them.
  • Plan a holiday – seriously, plan it, book it, and then work hard to feel the benefit of it when the time comes.
  • Forget about what everyone else is doing – stop comparing yourself to others, just do your own thing.
  • Find other social media avenues to explore – I’ve recently started following some writers’ hashtags on Instagram and also some about Viking mythology. Social media doesn’t always have to be related to your work.
  • Use the mute button if you need to.
  • Use video content more often.
  • Engage in Twitter chats purposefully – don’t waste time and energy in them if you’re not really getting anything out of them.
  • Take some time away from social media if you need to – or better yet, plan a scheduled break from it and make it known in advance online.
  • Don’t lose heart. Work smarter, not longer.
  • Remember that your digital footprint doesn’t define you – your reality is the most important thing.
  • Look for ways to refresh your earlier work and re-share things – you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
  • Make time for your real-world friendships.
  • Share the load – if you have a team or someone else who can help, ask them to get involved with a few tasks.
  • Block any negativity or troll accounts instantly – don’t engage with them.
  • Stick to the schedule and cut-off points and don’t let social media take over your life.
  • Read paper-based books. Your brain and your eyes need them.

Key things about social media burnout

It’s harder said than done, but social media burnout can be avoided. It’s vital to remember to just switch off sometimes. It’s not healthy to be immersed in the online world 24/7, and it can have a massively detrimental effect on your well-being if you are.Ā 

Planning in advance is hopefully going to be my secret weapon for 2019. I’ve also been fairly lucky so far in avoiding the nasty underbelly of social media, where the trolls reside. However, it’s a sad truth that some people can’t separate the two anymore, but don’t let them suck you in. The block button is there for a reason; use your social media in whatever way you wish (as long as it’s not to troll others).Ā 

Share your thoughts

Have you got any tips for avoiding social media burnout? I’d love to hear from you if you’ve ever experienced it yourself. How have you managed to keep your well-being intact in the digital world? Please drop your thoughts into the comments.

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