When I think about Instagram, my first thought is usually about rose gold-tinted flat lays and carefully curated aesthetics. I wouldn’t have thought that it was the kind of platform to source some quality writing inspiration. Maybe that was an oversight on my part, as I’ve since found some fantastic Instagrams for writers, and I’m going to take a look at some of them in this post.
Although it’s not my favourite social media platform, Instagram is actually quite a useful networking tool as well as being a visual mood board. I’ve met some great people through exploring business, gaming and art-based accounts, but writing isn’t something I thought would sit naturally there. Instagram is, by nature, image-based, so you perhaps wouldn’t expect it to be a great source of writing content.
Well, you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that there are a lot of amazing Instagrams for writers to follow, some of which I’m going to be looking at in this post. I wouldn’t have expected it to be the place to meet other writers or to get ideas for writing prompts, but I was completely wrong!
As it turns out, Instagram is a veritable hotbed of writing talent. If you’re into poetry, in particular, there’s a world of inspiration on there. I was really surprised when I looked into some of the writing communities on Instagram, so I’ve decided to round up a few of my favourites here. Check out this list of recommended Instagrams for you to make use of as a writer.
Update: I had to convert all these lovely visual Instagram posts into text handles because WordPress and Instagram don’t like each other anymore. Shame. Anyhow, although it doesn’t look that pretty anymore, you can just click the links to check out the recommendations.
Amazing Instagrams for writers to follow
Amoralee Poetree
Find them on Instagram @amoraleepoetree
I love this account so much. I can’t even explain why really, but it really just works for me. This is one of the other great things about exploring Instagram for writers, you get to network with other like-minded creators. Anyway, go and check out Amoralee’s work for yourself!
Find them on Instagram @darksentences
Darksentences is one of my favourite Instagrams for writers, they have loads of variety in the writing that they share and provide opportunities for you to have your work featured too.
Find them on Instagram @l.zyers
I love these simple but direct poems. They always make me stop and think, which is what all good writing should do.
Typewriters Voice
Find them on Instagram @typewritersvoice
Another great place to find inspiration for your poems or short stories, or even just to get you in the mood for writing in the first place.
Writing Prompts
Find them on Instagram @writing.prompts.s
One of my
Daily Writing Tips
Find them on Instagram @writing.tips
Sometimes it’s helpful to have a starting point or topic to get your brain firing up in the mornings, and I love this account for helping me to do that. It makes use of short, snappy visual prompts with great explainer captions to really help your imagination get fired up. This account is definitely worth checking out for those times when you’re really struggling with writer’s block.
Find them on Instagram @nanowrimo
It had to feature in here somewhere, didn’t it? So NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) happens every November, but this year the Instagram account is holding an #InstaWrimo challenge all through September too. Kickstart your writing habit here!
Nearly Complete
Find them on Instagram @nearly_complete
Nearly Complete showcases writing across its Instagram and website, offering competition spots for new and aspiring authors. It’s a good place to start if you’re looking to enter into any of their writing showcases to help you try and grow your audience.
Writer’s Den
Find them on Instagram @writers_den_
This account provides aspiring writers with another great place to submit and share your work and discover writing inspiration from others.
Find them on Instagram @rayaan_____
I just love this account. It has some truly beautiful words and interesting perspectives on things, so is definitely one that I’d check out if you’re looking for food for thought.
What are your favourite Instagram accounts?
These are just a few amazing Instagrams for you to check out if you’re a writer. Do you have any favourite Instagram accounts that you think everyone should be following? Let me know in the comments if so. I’d love to know where you find inspiration for creating your content, whether it’s stories, poems or web copy.Ā
Drop me a comment in the box below and let me know your thoughts. If you’ve found this post helpful, please do give it a share or you can check out some of my other resources for writers over on my Pinterest boards.

Some interesting accounts to follow – thanks! š