Sometimes you can feel motivated to write, but the words just won’t put themselves onto the page. Writer’s block is a common problem. and it can often feel impossible to break through it. There are ways to get back on the horse though, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. In this post, we’ll explore some simple ways to stay motivated as a writer.
Stepping away from a project for a while can help. Other times, it can make it harder to go back to whatever you were working on. The key thing though is not to give up. Everyone goes through peaks and troughs when it comes to productivity, especially with writing. Even if you feel like you’ve lost your creativity, there’s usually always a way that you can get it back.
One thing to remember though is that you can’t force creativity. Instead, you can cultivate it a little each day.
Ways to stay motivated as a writer
It can be really difficult to regain your writing motivation. It’s often during the times that I need to be the most productive that I feel like the ideas just aren’t coming. Fortunately, there are some little tricks and tips that I use to help me regain momentum.
It’s not always easy, and there are times when the best thing to do is give yourself a break. Burnout is real in the creative professions, even if you work for yourself. Learn to recognise the difference between a bout of writer’s block and the onset of burnout. It’s a lot easier to recover from the former than the latter.
Let’s take a look at some of the best ways you can stay motivated as a writer.

Make writing a habit
You’ll hear this all the time, but it’s true. If you pencil in a set time each day to write then you’re more likely to do something, as opposed to absolutely nothing. Try and make this set time one that you can stick to and won’t vary with the days and weeks.
During this time, make sure you write something down. You might only manage a set of bullet points, or a brief outline as notes. Regardless, doing a little bit each day is the best way to encourage your creative mindset to return. Jot down whatever’s rolling around your brain at that set time of the day and see what you’ve got to work with by the end of the week.
Find your most productive time and stick to it. Even if it’s only for half an hour a day.
Find sources of inspiration
Sometimes you might have the motivation to write but the ideas just aren’t coming. This is when you need to get inspired. Play some games, check out some art, look at the world around you; step away from the computer and start listing ideas.
Even if you’re not actively working on your writing, collecting ideas for your content is time equally well spent.
I’d recommend carrying a notebook or journal with you as much as possible. That way, you can jot down or sketch out any ideas that hit you while you’re out and about getting inspired.

Don’t compare yourself to everyone else
It’s really hard not to look at the work of others and feel that you’re not doing enough. Try your best not to though. Everyone’s winging it to some extent. Comparison to others only serves to de-motivate you further. Progress is progress, don’t try to measure yourself against what others seem to be doing.
Remember though, if you’re only writing to gain followers, a book deal, or fame, then you’re always going to be motivated by the wrong things. Consequently, your writing will suffer. Comparisons will get you nowhere but small steps towards your own goals each day will pay off eventually.
Keep a vocabulary journal
Fill it with new words, every day. Writing is something you need to practice and improve consistently. One of the key ways to do so is by building your vocabulary. Use a blank notebook and start making lists of 10-15 interesting vocabulary choices each day. You’ll find yourself wanting to use your expanding vocabulary in sentences, and in turn, that’ll prompt your writing flow to come back.
Having a physical dictionary in the house is helpful too. Skim through a page a day and learn a new word. Build that vocabulary steadily and it will pay dividends in your writing.
One sentence is better than nothing
It is. Don’t give yourself a hard time if you’re struggling to get into it. As I mentioned earlier, you can’t force writing but you can cultivate a habit. Just writing one sentence is better than not writing anything at all. Even if you just do one thing, and do it well, then you’ve been more productive than you would’ve been if you did nothing at all.
There’s a lot of pressure these days to ‘be productive‘. It’s toxic positivity, and I don’t agree with it. Instead of focusing on being productive, instead, try doing just one thing. If you get more done that day, great. If you don’t, that’s ok too. Small steps, remember.

Remember your ultimate goal
What is your goal? Why are you writing in the first place? If it’s becoming a chore then you’re going to find it even harder to stay motivated. So, try and remember why you started to write in the first place and see if you can work your way back to that place of excitement.
Sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by this, but it can be a great motivator. If you set yourself a target to write a certain amount of pages by a set time, you can readjust. You can always revise your plans to better suit your situation. The key thing is to find ways to make your writing habit work around your commitments and lifestyle.
Go old school with your writing
Try writing something the old-fashioned way! Grab an exercise book, a jotter, or notepad, or a bullet journal – anything paper-based! Sometimes the feeling of putting a physical pen to paper is as cathartic as it is motivating.
Step away from the keyboard and give it a go. You might surprise yourself with some of the ideas that flow from your pen.
How do you stay motivated to write?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever struggled to pull yourself out of a creative slump? What are your ways to stay motivated as a writer? Do you have any tips that work well for you when you’re not feeling very productive? Let me know in the comments below.
If you’ve found this post helpful, I’d love it if you gave it a share or a pin on Pinterest. You might also like some of my Creative Writing Tips over there, as well as this post on developing engaging characters.